Short Text-It can contain alphanumeric characters and special symbols like names and titles, among others, up to 255 characters.
Number - It can contain numeric values that will be used for calculations.
Date/Time - It stores date and time values that automatically assign a field size.
AutoNumber - It is used for the automatic entry of nonrepeating sequential numbers that uniquely identify each record in a table.
OLE Object - It is used for storing any objects that can be linked or embedded in a table.
. Calculated - It is used for entries that need to be calculated. It opens an expression builder dialog box for easy creation of a formula.
Lookup Wizard - It creates a drop-down list from a specified table or from a list of entries you create.
Datasheet View - allows you to view your data in a spreadsheet format. It is the first view once you create a blank database.
Design View - allows you to enter fields for your tables and assigns corresponding data types. You can also modify and format each field based on your requirements.
Attachment - It is similar to the OLE object that can contain any supported types of file like pictures, charts, and so on.
Yes / No - It is used for entries that must be answered by a Yes or No, True or False, or On or Off.
Large Number - It can contain much greater range for calculation than the Number data type.
Long Text - It can contain large amounts of alphanumeric data such as sentences and paragraphs, up to about 1 gigabyte, but controls to display a long text to 64,000 characters.
Hyperlink - It is used for entries that contain a path to an object, file, website, or hard drive location on your computer.
Currency - It is used for money and is similar with numbers but with decimal places and a currency symbol.
to create and design a library system, you need to use a database software like Microsoftaccess.
Microsoft access is a database management software that uses to create small and midsize computer-based database.
Quick Access Toolbar - It shows the common commands such as Save, Undo, and Redo;
Ribbon - It contains multiple tabs with group of commands;
Tell me - It works like the search bar where you can search for a command you
want to explore more; and
Backstage View - It gives you options in managing your database file.
Click the Shutter Bar to minimize the Navigation pane.
Minimize the Forms group in the Navigation pane by clicking the upwarddoublearrow.
To view other objects, double-click the object in the Navigation pane. Double-click the Contacts table.
in the tabletools fields tab, under the views group, is where the view button is located
TAKE NOTE!!! : M.A provides two ways to view your tables
TIPS AND TRICKS: You will notice that a primary key is automatically assigned in the first field that you created. In this table, the primary key is the Student ID field To remove the primary key, right-click on the primary key icon and then deselect primary key.
A data type defines the types of data that the field stores
eg: attachment, ole object, number, long and short text
TIPS AND TRICKS: An Input Mask is a field property that sets a pattern for all the data to be entered in the field.
Just a fact : computerizedlibrarysystem can help librarians facilitate transactions for schools with large student population.
take note : BUILD button is next to the input mask
Types of relationships :
One-to-one relationship - It is a relationship that can be established when onerecord in a table has only one matching record in anothertable. It is not common because most information related in this way would be in onetable
2. One-to-many relationship - It is the most common type of relationship that can be established when one record from a table is related to several matching records in othertables.
3. Many-to-manyrelationship - It is a type of relationship where one record in any table can relate to manyrecords in other tables.
home is the foundation or the base of MA.
database view - this is the blank file and is known as the face.
Record :
ID, fields, etc etc...
ribbon :
home, file, create, etc.
Open - if you want to use the interface or open a folder.