C: Types of conformity

Cards (12)

  • how do the ISI and the NSI in the psychological explanation for conformity work together?
    the approach suggests that behaviour is either due to NSI or ISI.
    but both processes are involved
    • conformity is reduced when there is one other dissenting participant in Asch.
    • this dissenter may reduce the power of the NSI or the IS
  • what is affiliation?

    a need for being in a relationship with others
  • how does the explanation for conformity have individual differences in NSI?
    some research shows that NSI does not affects everyone the same way.
    - those who have needs for association with others are described as affiliators. ( these people have a greater need for affiliation)

    Mc Ghee and Teevan 1967
    - found that students high in need for affiliation were more likely to conform
  • how does the explanation for conformity have research support for ISI?
    Lucas et al
    - asked students to give answers to mathematical problems
    - greater conformity to questions that were more difficult
  • What is normative social influence?

    influence resulting from a person's desire to gain approval or avoid disapproval
  • What is informational social influence?
    when you defer to the judgement of people who you think have more knowledge of the topic than you
  • what are the 2 main elements in the two-process theory to explain conformity?
    1. informational social influence (ISI)
    2. Normative social influence (NSI)
  • who developed the two-process theory as an explanation for conformity?
    Mortan Deutsch and Harold Gerard 1955
  • Explain the conformity type --> compliance
    simply going along with people in public
    • results in a superficial change
  • explain the conformity type --> Identification
    conforming because there is something about the group we value
    • publicly changing your opinion your achieve a goal
  • what are the three types of conformity?
    1. Internalisation
    2. Identification
    3. Compliance
  • who suggested the three types of conformity?
    Herbert Kelman