The explosion sent space, time, matter and energy in all directions.
This event is called “big bang”
All the matter and energy in the universe are crammed into a tiny compact point sometimes called
short ranged (10-13 cm) attractive force which binds the nucleus.
strong force
long range force that binds atoms which can either be attractive or repulsive
electromagnetic force
short ranged force present in radioactive decay.
weak force
weak, long ranged, and attractive force which binds the Solar system.
gravitational force
theory that proposed that the planets were formed by the collision of the sun with a giant comet
buffon's collision theory
who proposed the tidal theory?
jeans-jeffreys tidal theory
refer to the gravitational forces exerted by one celestial body on another, especially in cases where one body is significantly more massive than the other.
tidal forces
According to the theory, planets was formed from materials pulled out in the sun.
jeans-jeffrey's tidal theory
proposed the nebular theory?
the process by which two light atomic nuclei combine to form a single heavier one while releasing massive amounts of energy.
nuclear fusion
The first star are formed from contractionofgases and nuclear fusion.
The Earth is approximately an oblate spheroid, meaning it is mostly spherical but slightly flattened at the poles and bulging at the equator.