JL Mackie to free will: some have free will, but we know due to their character that they will do the right thing. Mackie says an omnipotent god could make all of us like this. Not logically impossible, so god can do it and prevent suffering.
Response to mackie and character: they would be free to themselves, but the relationship with god is not, this relationships is what matters.
Augustine depends on a literal reading of scripture and old ideas. 'homunculi' - idea that in his sexual organs a man contained a large number of little people'. This is now a widely rejected idea. Augustines falls depend on this idea. Is unjust we should bear the blame for the falls.
Depends on literal reading: not logical that an omnibenevolent for would punish us for something that our free will could not control. Modern theologians often treat original sin simply as the inclination in all people to make mistakes (sin)
If creation was perfect it would not go wrong: if god made hell as a place to send the wicked, he has built into the universe imperfection and a place of suffering. Hell is not good in itself or will ever make its inhabitants good.
If creation was perfect it would not go wrong: jesus coming to save us and gods willingness to forgive is not enough. we should not need saving if the world was perfect
A stone is not good in itself, the goodness is in the judgement of someone else. The goodness to the world is in the mind of god, not intrinsic to the world (consistent with genesis).
Can be considered that it is always questionable to compare the goodness of things that are not alike.
Inconsistency: book 1 - argues for free will, responsibility of an action lies with the performer. book 3 - argues humans are ignorant and we cannot overcome this wretched condition. If we are ignorant we cannot take responsibility for choices.
Inconsistency: Aristotle/Aquinas argue that to be responsible for something we must be fully aware of our action. 'full knowledge and full consent'. Without this we cannot be punished, it is not right to punish people for ignorance.
Augustine views on predestination (idea god already knows our eventual fate); for augustine election to heaven is a matter for the inscrutable will of god. Intended to oppose heresy of pelagianism, arguing humanity could go to heaven via unaided actions.