minority influence

Cards (13)

  • Minority influence refers to a situation where one person or group has a significant influence on the opinions of others.
  • minority influence is most likely to lead to internalisation
  • what is internalisation?
    both public behaviour and private beliefs are changed by the process
  • what are the main processes in minority influence?
    1. Consistency
    2. commitment
    3. Flexibility
  • How does commitment affect the processes of minority influence?
    minorities engage in quite extreme activities to draw attention demonstrating commitment. this is called the augmentation principle
  • How does flexibility affect the process of minority influence?
    member of the minority needs to be prepared to adapt their point of view and accept reasonable and valid counter-arguments. the key is a balance between constancy and flexibility
  • how does consistency affect the process of minority influence?
    consistency increases the amount of interest from other people making people rethink their own views.
  • synchronic consistency
    they're all saying the same thing
  • diachronic consistency
    saying the same thing for some time now
  • how is there research support for consistency as a process for minority influence?
    Moscovici's blue-green slides
    showed that a consistent minority opinion had a greater effect on other people than an inconsistent opinion
    Wood et al carried out a meta-analysis of almost 100 similar studies and found that minorities who were seen as being consistent were more influential
  • the more people that 'convert' to the minority, the faster the minority will grow. This is called the snowball effect.
  • how is the research into minority influence effected by artificial tasks?
    identifying the colour of a slide is so far removed from how minorities attempt to change the behaviour of majorities in real life. in real-life situations outcomes are vastly more important. therefore the study lacks external validity
  • How does the research into minority influence have real-life applicaton?
    They can inform minority groups the best way to behave in order to exert a maximum amount of influence. Worth considering that the techniques may not always be enough to change an opinion of an audience