
Cards (10)

  • alcohols contain the functional group -OH
  • uses of alcohol:
    • fuels (cars)
    • solvents (perfume)
    • drinks (ethanol)
  • first 4 members of a homologous series of alcohols:
    • methanol - CH3OH
    • ethanol - C2H5OH
    • propanol - C3H7OH
    • butanol - C4H9OH
  • ethanol can be made by hydrating ethene, which requires 300 temp, 70 atm pressure and phosophoric acid catalyse
    adv = high yield of ethanol
    disadv = high temp and energy, comes from crude oil = unrenewable
  • fermentation of sugar:
    glucose ---> ethanol and carbon dioxide
    aqueous solutions of ethanol are produced when sugar solutions are fermented using yeast
    conditions = temp 30 and anaerobic conditions (no oxygen)
  • fermentation of sugar
    adv = doesn't require a lot of energy as low temp, sugar comes from plants so renewable
    disadv = product is an aqueous solution, which would have to be purified via distillation which requires energy
  • solubility in water:
    • alcohols are soluble in water and form neutral solutions
    • as the number of carbon atoms increases, the solubility decreases
  • reaction with sodium:
    ethanol + sodium --> sodium ETHoxide + hydrogen
    will react steadily giving off bubbles of hydrogen gas and leaving a colourless solution
  • reacting with oxidising agent:
    ethanol + oxygen atoms from oxidising agent ---> ETHanoic acid + water
    • ethanol has been oxidised to ethanoic acid (a carboxylic acid)
  • combustion of alcohols:
    alcohol + oxygen --> carbon dioxide + water
    alcohols are flammable
    used in spirit burners and as biofuels