treating phobias

Cards (20)

  • How is Flooding traumatic for patients?
    • Highly traumatic
    • Patients unwilling to see it through to the end.
    • time and money can be wasted preparing patients only to have them refuse to start or complete treatment
  • Why might flooding be less effective for some other types of phobias?
    • Less effective for more complex phobias (social phobias)
    • social phobias have cognitive aspects (thinking unpleasant thoughts about the situation)
    • These types of phobias may benefit more from cognitive therapies as such therapy tackle irrational thinking
  • 2 limitations of Flooding
    • Less effective for some types of phobias
    • treatment is traumatic to patients
  • How is flooding cost affective?
    • As effective as other treatments
    • Studies comparing flooding to cognitive therapies (Ougrin 201) have found that flooding is highly effective and quicker
    • means that patients are free of their symptoms as soon as possible making the treatment cheaper
  • 1 Strength of flooding
    It is cost effective
  • How does flooding have ethical safeguards?
    unpleasant experience so it's important that the patients give their fully formed consent to the traumatic procedure
  • How does flooding work?
    Stops the phobic response very quickly
    • without the option of avoidance behaviour, the patient learns that the phobic stimulus is harmless
    • called extinction in classical conditioning terms
    • in some cases the patient may achieve relaxation in the presence of the phobic stimulus because they are tired of their own fear response
  • What is flooding?
    Exposing phobic patients to there phobic stimulus but without a gradual build.
    • Involves immediate exposure to a very frightening situation
  • How is SD suitable for many patients?
    • anxiety disorders are usually accompanied with learning disabilities: such patients may not be able to make the full cognitive commitment associated with cognitive behavioural therapy/ have the ability to communicate their own thoughts.
    • SD would a suitable alternative for them
  • How is SD acceptable to patients?
    • Patients prefer it as it does not cause the same degree of trauma as flooding.
    • SD includes some elements (learning relaxation procedures) which are pleasant reflected in the low refusal rates and low attrition rates
  • How is there research supporting the effectiveness of Systematic Desensitisation?
    • Gilroy et al (2003) followed 42 patients who had been treated for acrophobia who did three session of SD
    • the control group was treated by relaxation without exposure
    • 3 year after the SD group was less fearful
    • Showing that SD is helpful in reducing anxiety and the effects are long lasting
  • 3 strengths of systematic desensitisation
    • research supporting the effectiveness
    • it's acceptable to patients
    • suitable for many patients
  • Describe Exposure in SD?
    Patient is exposed to the phobic stimulus while in a relaxed state
    • takes place across several sessions
  • Describe Relaxation in SD?
    Therapist teaches patient to relax as deeply as possible (breathing, meditation, Valium)
  • Describe The anxiety hierarchy:
    A list of situations related to the phobic stimulus that provoke anxiety are arranged into order (least to most frightening)
  • What are the three processes involved in SD?
    1. anxiety hierarchy
    2. relaxation
    3. exposure
  • What is reciprocal inhibition?
    It’s impossible to be afraid and relaxed and the same time
    • one emotion prevents the other
  • What is counter-conditioning (in terms of systematic desensitisation)?
    Learning through a different response:
    - a new response to the phobic stimulus is learned ( paired with relaxation instead of anxiety )
  • Name 2 ways to treat phobia :
    • Systematic desensitisation
    • Flooding
  • What is systematic desensitisation?
    A behaviour therapy designed to gradually reduce phobic anxiety through the principle of classical conditioning
    • if the sufferer can learn to relax in the presence of the phobic stimulus