Explaining depression: Cognitive approach

Cards (20)

  • How does Ellis’s ABC model have practical application to CBT?
    By challenging irrational negative beliefs a person can reduce their depression: supported by evidence

    Lipsky et al (1980)
    • supports that irrational beliefs have sole rolein depression
  • 1 strength of Ellis' ABC model
    Practical application to CBT
  • How does Ellis's ABC model not explain all aspects of depression
    Explains basic symptoms, depression is complex
    • Beck Connor explain anger, hallucinations and buzzard beliefs
    • Very occasionally, depressed patients suffer Cotard syndrome; the delusion that they are zombies ( Jarrett 2013)
  • How is there only a particular explanation for Ellis's ABC model?
    Only looks at reactive depression ( depression that follows an activating event )
    • different kind of depression which arises without obvious cause
    • Only applies to some kinds of depression
    • therefor only a partial explanation for depression
  • 2 limitations of Ellis's ABC model
    - A partial explanation
    - doesn't explain all the aspects of depression
  • Describe Consequences (ABC model)
    When an activating event triggers irrational beliefs there are emotional and behavioural consequences
  • Describe Beliefs (ABC model)
    “Musturbation” - the beliefs that we must always succeed or achieve perfection
    “I-can’t-stand-it-itis’ - belief is a major disaster whenever something does not go smoothly
    Utopianism - the belief that life is always meant to be fair
  • Describe activating events (ABC model)
    We get depressed when we experience negative events, triggering irrational beliefs
  • What are the 3 parts to Ellis's ABC model?

    A - activating event
    B - beliefs
    C - consequences
  • What did Ellis's ABC model propose?
    Good mental health is a result of result of rational thinking.
    - Anxiety and depression result from irrational thoughts
    ABC model to explain how irrational thoughts affect our behaviour and emotional state
  • How does Beck's cognitive theory not explain all aspects of depression?
    Explains basic symptoms, depression is complex
    • Beck Connor explains anger, hallucinations and buzzard beliefs
    • Very occasionally, depressed patients suffer Cotard syndrome; the delusion that they are zombies ( Jarrett 2013)
  • What is a limitation for Beck's Theory of depression?
    • doesn't explain all aspects of depression
  • How does Beck's Theory on depression have practical applications in CBT?
    Forms the basis of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
    • Cognitive aspects can be identified and challenged with CBT ( includes components of the negative triad which are easily identified )
    • Therapists can challenge them
    • Translates into a successful therapy
  • How is there evidence for beck's theory for depression?
    Supports that depression is associated with faulty information processing, negative schemas, and negative triad

    Grazioli and Terry (2000)
    • assessed 65 pregnant women for cognitive vulnerability and depression before and after birth ( Women with cognitive vulnerability were more likely to develop)

    Clark and Beck (1999)
    • reviewed research and concluded that there was solid support for all these cognitive vulnerability factors. These cognitions can be seen before depression develops
    • suggesting cognition causes depression
  • 2 strengths of Beck's cognitive theory of depression
    • Good supporting evidence
    • Practical application
  • Describe the Negative triad
    A person develops a dysfunctional few of the selves because of their 3 types of automatic thinking
    • Negative view of the World
    • Negative view of the Future
    • Negative view of the Self
  • Describe Negative self-schemas
    Schema = a ‘package’ of information developed through experience

    Self-schema = the package of information we have about ourself

    When you have a negative self-schema you interpret all information about yourself in a negative way
  • Describe Faulty information processing in terms of Becks' theory?
    When depressed we attend to the negative aspects of a situation
    • also tend to blow the small problems out of proportion and think in ‘black and white’
  • What does Beck's cognitive theory of depression suggest?

    It is a person's cognitions that create the vulnerability to depression

    3 Parts to this vulnerability:
    • Faulty information processing
    • Negative Schemas
    • The Negative Triad
  • What are the 2 ways of explaining depression?
    • Becks cognitive theory of depression (1967)
    • Ellis's ABC model (1962)