Treating depression: Cognitive approach

Cards (10)

  • Success may be due to the therapist-patient relationship - Limitation to using the cognitive approach to treat depression
    Rosenzwig (1936)
    • suggested that the difference between CBT and SD is quite small- it maybe the quality of the therapist
    • patient relationship that determines success rather than any particular technique that is used

    • Luborsky (2002)- supports the view that simple having a talk with someone matters most
  • Why is CBT not working for severe cases a limitation for using the cognitive approach to treat phobias?
    Patients may not be able to motivate themselves to engage with the hard work
    • May not be able to pay attention to what is happening
    • Although it is possible to work around this with AD , CBT cannot be used as a sole treatment for all cases of depression
  • 2 Limitations of using the cognitive approach to treat phobias
    - CBT may not work for the most server cases
    - Successes may be due to therapist (patient relationship)
  • How is using the cognitive approach to treat depression effective?
    March et al (2007)
    • Compared the effects of CBT with drugs with 327 pp
    • after 36 weeks = 81% of the CBT group, 81% of the AD group , 86% of the CBT + AD significantly improved
    • CBT emerged as just effective suggesting there is a good case of making CBT the first choice in the national health service
  • 1 strength of using the cognitive approach to treating depression
    - it is effective
  • What are the different methods of vigorous argument?
    Empirical arguments- disputing whether there is actual evidence to support the negative beliefs
    Logical argument- disputing whether the negative thought logically follows from the facts
  • Describe Ellis’s rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT)
    Expends ABC model to ABCDE model
    D = dispute
    E = effect
    • The central technique is to identify and dispute irrational thoughts
    • Vigorous arguments- change irrational beliefs and break the link between negative life events and depression
    • identified different methods of disputing
  • Describe Beck’s Cognitive Therapy
    Identify automatic thoughts about the world, future and self.
    • Once identified these thoughts must be challenged
    • Aims to help patients test the reality of their negative beliefs
    • therapists would set homework ( to record whenever they enjoyed an event)
    • Sometimes referred to as “patients as scientists”
  • What are the 2 types of CBT?
    - Beck's Cognitive Therapy
    - Ellis's rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT)
  • What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)?
    Treatment based on cognitive and behavioural techniques. Therapy aims to deal with thinking (challenging negative thoughts).