"King cotton" had transformed the South into a rural region with slavery, little manufacturing and few railroads.
The North had industrial factories, cities, paid workers, railroads, and larger population.
These regional increased sectionalism-placing the intrests of a region above the intrests of the nation
Missori compromise of 1820: The first major issue regarding slavery in the antebellum era focused on missori becoming a state in 1820
North/ South didn't want to upset the equal balence of free and slave sates in the senate
Northerns didnt want slavery to spread beyond "deep south"
Southerns didnt think congress had the power to stop slavery
In 1820, Henry clay negotiated the missior compromise: missior became a slave state, maine broke from massachuetts and became a free state, slavery was outlawed in all western territoeies above the lattidude of 36 30
In the 1820s tariffs divided north and south
southerns argued tarriffs ony benefitted north and made manufauted goods too expensive
In 1831, Nat Turner freed slaves on virgina farms and killed many whites
Southerns made slavery codes more severe
Texas was not annexed for 9 years bec it would unbalence the number of free and slave states
the additon of the mexican cession after the mexican-ameircan war gave southerns hope that slavery would spread
In 1846 norhtern congressmen tried to the wilmot proviso, this law would have outlawed all slavery from mexican cession
Rather than voting along party lines congressmen votes was according to region
in 1848, the free soil party was formed to keep slavery from spread west
Free soilers were not in congress because they did not think congress had the power to end slavery; they were against expansion of slavery into the west
in 1850, california asked to enter union as a free state
Southers didnt want more free states & wanted slavery to be allowed in the western terroritories the USA had just won
Northerns wanted to keep slavery out of the SW & wanted other laws to protect slaves who made it to freedom in north
The compromise of 1850 solved the sectional freedom in the North and south
Calfornia entered as a free state
The ppl of Utah and New Mexico could vote to allow or ban slavery popular sovereignty
The slave trade ended Washington DC
A stronger fugitive slave law was created that allowed southerns to reclaim slaves in the north
from 1820 to 1850 sectionalism was due to differnces in regional economies and the use of slavery, westward expansion & the entry of new states into union and growing abolitism in the north
each time a disbute threataned the nation, a compromise was reached
the election of 1856 was the first time in which political parties represented sections of the country, not the nation
slavery becomes the most imporant politcal issue in american politics
even tho the Republican party lost in 1856 they realize that they had enough electroal votes to win the presidency w/o southern support
in 1857 a slave named dred scott sued for his freedom after traveling with his master from Missouri to Wisconsion
The dred scott case presented the supreme court with 2 major questions: does congress have the authority to decide on slavery in the territories and is the Missiori compromise constitutional
Dred scott vs Sanford (1857) the supreme court ruled Dred Scott had no right to sue because blacks are not citizens
congress didnt have the power to stop slavery in western territories in western territories so the Missouri compromise was ruled unconstitutional
in 1858, Democrat Stephen Douglas ran against Abraham Lincoln for Illinois senate
Lincoln was unknown at the time, but during the campaign he argued that congress most stop the spread of slavery
Lincoln lost the senate election, but his argument against slavery made him popular national figure
JIn 1859 John Brown led an unsuccessful raid in attempt to free slaves and start a massive slave revolt. Brown was caught and executed but he was a martyr by many in the North
Republicans nominated Abraham Linchon who argued for free soil & strong national gov