The Cell

Cards (22)

  • Open system: exchange matter and energy with their surroundings
  • Closed system: exchange energy, but not matter with their surroundings
  • Isolated systems: do not exchange matter or energy with their surroundings
  • Cells are efficient open systems able to carry out all of the life processes:
    • intake nutrients
    • removal of waste
    • growth and reproduction
    • exchange of gases
  • Cells maintain life processes within specialized membrane-bound structures called organelles.
  • Ribosomes are the only organelle not enclosed by a membrane
  • Cell membrane: protective barrier for the cell: it allows the transport of materials into and out of the cell
    • most important for cell communication
  • Nucleus: contains DNA -- the genetic material of the cell that directs all cellular activities.
    • surrounded by the nuclear envelope, which has pores to allow the transport of materials
  • Cytoplasm: gel-like substance inside the cell membrane where the organelles are suspended.
    • contains the nutrients required by the cell to carry on the life processes
  • Cell wall: found in plant cells -- rigid frame around the cell that provides strength and support
  • Chloroplasts: contain a pigment called chlorophyll that produces a green colour
    • found inly in plants
    • sites of photosynthesis
  • Vacoules: membrane-bound vesicles that store water
    • plant cells have a large central vacoule
  • Vesicles: membrane-bound structures that store nutrients, products of secretion, and fats
    • transport substances throughout and out of the cell
  • Ribosomes: granules that may be attached to the endoplasmic reticulum or free-floating in the cytoplasm
    • sites of protein synthesis
  • Endoplasmic reticulum: series of interconnected small tubes that branch from the nuclear envelope
    • materials are transported through these tubes
  • Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum: has ribosomes attached to it and it associated with protein synthesis
  • Smooth endoplasmic reticulum: associated with lipid (fat and oil) production
  • Lysosomes: sacs in the cell where digestion of a substance occurs. roles of include:
    • defense against invading bacteria
    • destruction of damaged cell organelles
    • programmed cell death
  • Golgi Apparatus: consists of flat, disc-shaped sacs involved in secretion
    • receives substances from the endoplasmic reticulum and packages them into vesicles for transport
  • Mitochondria: rod-like structure where reactions occur to convert chemical energy in sugars into energy that the cells can use
  • Similarities between plant and animal cells:
    • have the same basic chemical composition
    • both have genetic material in the form of DNA that directs cellular activities
    • share may of the same organelles
  • Differences between the plant and animals cells:
    • animals cells have centriole which are involved in cell division; plant cells do not
    • plant cells have a rigid cell wall made of cellulose, a type of carbohydrate, while animals cells do not have a cell wall
    • plant cells contain chloroplast
    • plant cells have a large central vacuole; animal cells tend to have small vacuoles