The education system allocates roles in a meritocratic society; this legitimises social inequality by making children believe that they deserve the role they are allocated.
Davis and Moore
The education system allocates roles in a meritocratic society; this legitimises social inequality by making children believe that they deserve the role they are allocated.
Davis and Moore
Not everyone has equal skills and talents, therefore the higher ability should be allocated the better roles in society.
Davis and Moore
By streaming and setting by academic ability, children are taught skills relevant to their potential.
Davis and Moore
There is equality of educational opportunity - all children can achieve their best and those with the ability and the skills who put in the most effort will be the most successful.
Davis and Moore
The education system 'sifts and sorts' so that the best rise to the top, but all have a function and role to play.
Blau and Duncan
The education system provides human capital as it will allocate children into the role (capital) which best suits them.
Blau and Duncan
Those children with the highest cultural capital will be allocated into roles where they can be trained to take positions of power and authority; while those with the least capital can be guided into roles of manual labour, obedience and conformity.