The major role of education is to reproduce the labour power - a workforce of hard-working, submissive and disciplined people who accept their role in society and do not question the inequality.
Bowles and Gintis
This workforce is produced by:
The hidden curriculum - the school operates in the long shadow of work by preparing children for the working day and the working environment of the working class
Legitimising the inequality in the class structure
Bowles and Gintis
They argue that education does not offer a fair and equal chance for all and that class, gender and ethnicity will all affect the opportunities that are available to a child.
Bowles and Gintis
They suggest that meritocracy is a myth - children do not succeed if they work hard; they succeed it they own the cultural capital to access the education system.
Bowles and Gintis
The education system simply confirms the child's class of origin (the class they were born into and their class of destination (where they will end up).