The ID is supressed by the EGO when we are awake. When we are asleep the EGO is supressed so the desires of the ID rise to the surface in the form of dreams
Function of dreaming:
allows expression of primitive urges
symbolism to protect conscious mind
WISH FULLFILMENT - we dream about what we want
Dreams contain:
manifest content (what the dream appears to be about )
Latent content ( the true meaning of the dream )
A study showed that patients suffering from strokes lose their capacity to dream if there is damage to areas of the forebrain ( linked to desires). This suggests a link between desires and dreaming
PET SCANS show the rational brain is switched of during dreaming while the forebrain is fully activated. This supports Freuds idea that the ID is active but the EGO is not
Unfalsifiable ( cannot be supported )
Dreams cannot be measured objectively
Most evidence from case studies so cannot be generalised to the wider population
Content of dreams may mirror real life and not be symbolic