Ch9 transport in animals
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blood pathway:
Inferior vena cava--right atrium--tricuspid valve--right ventricle--pulmonary valve--pulmonary artery--lungs--pulmonary vein--left atrium--bicuspid valve--left ventricle--aortic valve--aorta
separates the left and right sides of the heart, as well as separates the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood
what is the heart made from
the cardiac muscle tissue
how can you monitor the heart activity
by electrocardiogram, measuring the pulse rate or listening to the sounds of valves closing using a stethoscope
arteries function
transport blood away from the heart
veins function
transports low pressured blood to the heart
capillaries function
supply all cells with their needs and carry away waste products
arteries structure
elastic tissue walls that stretch and relax as blood is forced out, causing pulse
thick walls to withstand high pressure
small lumen to maintain blood pressure
veins structure
thinner walls than arteries with less muscles and elastic tissues because of the low blood pressure
valves preventing the backflow of blood
wide lumen to reduce resistance to the flow of blood
capillaries structure
one cell thick for easy diffusion
thin walls and narrow lumen bringing blood to all cells
highly branched to obtain high surface area