Ch11+12 gas exchange&reespiration

Cards (17)

  • properties of surface
    thin surface
    large surface area
    good blood supply
    good ventilation
  • thin surface
    to allow fast diffusion of gases
  • large s.a
    to allow the diffusion of many molecules at the same time
  • good blood supply
    to take gasses to and from the exchange surface
  • good ventilation
    for good supply of oxygen an removal of carbon dioxide
  • ventilation/breathing
    is the act of moving air in and out of the lungs changing the thorax's volume
  • gas exchange
    change of gasses across a gas exchange surface
  • respiration
    is the chemical reaction that breaks down nutrient molecules in living cells to release energy
  • uses of energy
    muscle contraction
    protein synthesis
    cell division
    active transport
    passage of nerve impulses
    maintenance of a constant body temperature
  • aerobic respiration
    the chemical reaction in the cell that uses oxygen to break down nutrient molecules to release energy
  • anaerobic respiration
    the chemical reaction in the cell that breaks down nutrient molecules to release energy without using oxygen
  • aerobic respiration word formula
    Glucose + Oxygen --> Carbon dioxide + Water
  • aerobic resp. chem. formula
  • anaerobic resp excercise word form
    Glucose -living cell-> lactic acid
  • anaerobic resp workout chem formula
  • anaerobic resp yeast word formula
    glucose--->alcohol+carbon dioxide
  • anaerobic resp yeast chem formula