the new right

Cards (11)

  • Neoliberalism is an economic theory that believes free market principles are the best way to organise society.
  • The new right is a political movement in the UK which applied neoliberal thinking to social policies from 1979-97 and again from 2010 to present day followed by the conservative government.
  • New right and functionalism share the belief in the idea of meritocracy and the importance of education in socialising into shared norms.
  • New right does not believe that the current education system is achieving these goals and believes it is failing as it is run by the state.
  • New right view on education states that the state system takes a one size fits all approach, discarding local needs, and that schools are unresponsive and inefficient, wasting money or getting poor results and not being answerable to their consumers.
  • This view on education leads to the need for an education market, which means it will be localised, schools will be accountable for their own results, and there will be a marketisation of education.
  • Chubb and Moe believe in applying supply and demand to education, stating that if more people want something, then schools should have it.
  • This belief in consumer choice puts schools in control of parents and forces schools to be more inclusive.
  • The state's role in education is to impose a framework for schools to compete, ensure schools have a shared culture, and monitor schools through Ofsted and league tables.
  • Marketisation in education means making schools a marketplace and having them compete.
  • Privatisation in education means transferring industries previously owned by the state to the ownership of private business.