turbidity describes the clarity of water and is measured using Secchi depths (round disk dropped in water until just visible giving the depth of turbidity)
turbidity is due to resuspension of particles that scatter light caused by wind and currents and biota (benthivorous fish)
light intensity decreases with depth (light attenuation)
light attenuation occurs due to scattering, absorption, and reflection of light and depends on the wavelength of light used by photosynthesis (photosynthetically active radiation - PAR)
Law of Lambert-Beer: Iz = I0 * e ^(-E*z)
Iz = radiation at depth z
I0 = radiation at surface
z = depth
E = extinction coefficient
extinction coefficient (E) for pure water is 0.1-0.2/m, for a clear lake is 0.5-1/m and for algal bloom it is 3-10/m
a high extinction coefficient results in a low secchi depth