
Cards (66)

  • "per" and "sonare" means to "sound through"
  • persona means an actor's mask through which the sound of their voice is projected
  • theory means an explanation of a phenomenon that is supported by evidence and is testable
  • theory is a speculative explanations or propositions linked by logical argumentation
  • a hypothesis is a scientific or educated guess that is near truth
  • persona means three things:
    • The state of being a person.
    • The characteristics and qualities that form a person’s distinctive character.
    • The sum total of all the physical, mental, emotional, and social characteristic of a person.
  • The word I is what defines you as an individual, separate from everybody else.
  • personality is an enduring and unique cluster of characteristics that may change in response to different situations.
  • Self-enhancement is defined as the tendency to promote oneself aggressively and make one conspicuous.
  • self-effacement is the quality of not claiming attention for oneself
  • individualism is all about taking care of yourself; it is the belief and practice that every person is unique and self-reliant. 
  • individualism emphasizes the intrinsic worth of an individual
  • The best techniques of personality assessment adhere to the principles of reliability and validity.
  • Reliability involves the consistency of response to an assessment device
  • Validity refers to how well an instrument measures what it claims to measure
  • validity is the extent to which an assessment device measures what it is intended to measure.
  • Traits contribute to individual differences in behavior, consistency of behavior over time, and stability of behavior across situations.
  • personality is a pattern of relatively permanent traits and unique characteristics that give both consistency and individuality to a person’s behavior
  • Characteristics are unique qualities of an individual that include such attributes as temperament, physique, and intelligence.
  • a theory can be defined into four:
    • set of assumptions
    • set of related assumptions
    • assumptions
    • logical deductive reasoning
    • testable
  • Philosophy means love of wisdom
  • epistemology is the nature of knowledge.
  • theories rely on speculations but theories are closely tied to empirically gathered data and to science
  • A taxonomy is a classification of things according to their natural relationships
  • A useful theory (1) generates research, (2) is falsifiable, (3) organizes data, (4) guides action, (5) is internally consistent, and (6) is parsimonious.
  • psychoanalysis is a psychotherapeutic approach that focuses on the unconscious mind and how it shapes the feelings, thoughts, and behaviors of a person
  • To Freud, the most primitive part of the mind was das Es, or the “it,” which is almost always translated into English as id; a second division was das Ich, or the “I,” translated as ego; and a final province was das Uber-Ich, or the “over-I,” which is rendered into English as superego
  • Freud used the German word Trieb to refer to a drive or a stimulus within the person
  • "per" and "sonare" means "to sound through"
  • persona is an actor's mask through which the sound of his voice was projected
  • personality is the total person
  • theory is an..
    • attempt to explain something
    • speculative explanation
    • propositions linked by logical argumentation
  • hypothesis is a scientific or educated guess that is near truth or reality
  • how to choose a theory to support in practice:
    1. theory's research support practice
    2. belief that the theory could provide positive result
    3. provision of useful intervention techniques
    4. consistency w/ practitioners values, knowledge, skills
  • Why SWrs use theories:
    1. it professionalizes the field and differentiates SW from those that provide non-scientific methods of helping
    2. provides SWrs better understanding of complex human behaviors and their social environment—which influence that client's lives and problems
    3. help create treatment plan, increase sense of security, and explain and predict occurences in the client's life
  • theories anchor interventions
  • utilizing SW theories:
    • develop a baseline starting point
    • assess and understand
    • formulate a treatment plan
  • human behavior is the reflection of feelings, thoughts, emotions, sentiments of a person
  • human behavior consists of all human activities
  • framework of human behavior:
    1. every person is significantly diff. from the moment of conception
    2. is consistently active, goal-seeking organism
    3. is dynamic
    4. characteristics of organization/group influence the behavior of individual (behavior contagion)
    5. behavior cannot be predicted with 100% accuracy
    6. no simple formula in working with people