The Mumbai urban transport project has increased the number of suburban trains, allowing people who live in the suburbs better access to the CBD with public transport.
The Mumbai Urban Transport Project suburban trains covers a massive area so will increase public transport use. It will now link with the airport too which reduces taxis on the roads.
Live images are sent from traffic junctions to police headquarters.
Police headquarters live images allows real time adjustment or traffic signals which are synchronized to help commuters catch green lights, increasing traffic flow.
Intelligent signaling is also used to pick up broken down vehicles and accidents, allowing them to be dealt with quickly.
Intelligent signalling has been very successful and has reduced gridlock in the system, but it hasn't had an effect on total and growing number of cars
Mumbai monorail opened on February 2014
Its the first monorail in India with an overhead railway line and moves people quickly across the city
Monorail doesn't take up space on the ground so it frees up the area for traffic
The mumbai monorail cost $1 billion
Monorail will decrease pressure on the roads and the rail networks by offering an alternitive
Monorail fairs put people off
Monorail cuts through shanty towns a people cleared away from it, destroying their homes.
The bandra-worli sealink links bandra amd worli by sea bridge.
The bandra-worlie is a toll bridge so you have to pay to cross it
bandra-worli was built in 2010 and cost $300 million
bandra-worli was built to try and reduce travel time betwern Bandra and Worli during peak hours and so people could get home from work more easily, avoiding travelling all the way around the bay.
The sea-link has significantly reduced travel time between Bandra and Worli during peak hours from 60-90 minutes and 20-30 minutes.
However, the bridge has allowed increased traffic to get to the CBD and increase congestion. It has not taken cars off the road.
The sea-link hasn't been used as well as hoped because the toll is expensive
New ventilation and lighting systems have been added to railway coaches to encourage public transport
Created safe places to cross the railway tracks on foot to prevent deaths
Mumbai skywalks : raised pavements, encouraged walkers not to cross busy roads and hold up traffic
Mumbai carpooling website allows people to share car journeys in exchange for petrol vouchers.
Mumbai carpooling website has caused 10% less cars on the road and but some people don't want t o share a car journey with strangers.
400 new double decker BEST buses added to the road which are electric. This has reduced air pollution in the city.