This is the name given to the process whereby the Earth is warmed by the trapping of solar energy by gases in the atmosphere. Without the atmosphere / greenhouse gases the planet would be much cooler. It is essential to our survival.
Burning fossil fuels, for example coal, oil and natural gas release Carbon Dioxide into the atmosphere, which will trap heat. Coal has been used increasingly to power factories, generate electricity in power stations and to heat homes.
Increased car ownership has resulted in more petrol and diesel being used to fuel cars.
Carbon Dioxide remains in the atmosphere for 100 years
Deforestation, especially in the Amazon Rainforest, has resulted in less carbon dioxide being absorbed, and the burning releases more C02.
Peat bog reclamation (particularly in Scotland and Ireland) during, for example, the construction of wind farms, has also resulted in additional Carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere
methane 20 times more effective at trapping heat than CO2; accounts for 20% of the enhanced greenhouse effect; remains in the atmosphere for 11‐12 years.