System interaction for locomotion:

Cards (32)

  • Thoracic sling syncarcosis joint = rotation and sliding movements of the scapula.
  • Weight of the forelimb is transmitted by = Serratus Ventralis muscle, Deep Pectoral muscles and Superficial Pectoral muscles.
  • Thoracic sling superficial muscles = Trapezius, Omotransversarius, latissimus Dorsi, Brachiocephalicus and Superficial Pectoral muscles.
  • Thoracic sling deep muscles = Rhomboideus, Deep Pectorals and Serratus Ventralis.
  • Lumbosacral plexus = (L4, L5, L6, S1 + S2), controls hindlimb innervation.
  • Femoral nerves = hip flexors and stifle extension.
  • Obturator nerves = hip flexor and limb adductor.
  • Ischiatic nerve = innervates hamstring group.
  • Brachial plexus = (C6, C7, C8, T1 + T2), innervates forelimb.
  • Median nerve = carpal and digital flexor muscles.
  • Ulnar nerve = carpal and digital flexor muscles.
  • Radial nerve = extensor muscles of the elbow, carpus and the digit.
  • Subscapular nerve = subscapular muscle.
  • Suprascapular nerve = supraspinatus and infraspinatus.
  • Musculocutaneous nerve = pectorals and shoulder flexors.
  • Axillary nerve = flexor muscles of the shoulder.
  • Lumbosacral junction = hinge joint, dorsal spinous processes face caudally, diverticulum and 20 degrees flexion mainly in canter/gallop.
  • Diverticulum = direction change.
  • Sacroiliac joint = ilium to sacrum, synovial, ligamentous, strong and can't be separated.
  • Axial skeleton muscles = numerous separate units, span between 2-6 vertebrae each, for posture and enables horses to use themselves correctly.
  • Longissimus Dorsi = C5 to the sacrum/pelvis, longest muscle, top line importance, back extension and needs to be elongated.
  • Longissimus Copitis = skull end.
  • Longissimus Atlantis = atlas.
  • Longissimus Cevicus = cervical spine.
  • Longissimus Thoracis = thoracic spine.
  • Longissimus Lumborum = lumbar/sacral spine.
  • Iliopsoas muscles = supports lumbar vertebrae/lumbosacral joint/sacroiliac joint, hip flexion/rotation and psoas + iliacus muscles involved (can't be palpated).
  • Middle gluteal = hindlimb retraction, sacroiliac/lumbosacral joint extension and enables the hip joint (hindlimb propulsion).
  • Axial skeleton ligaments = supraspinous, interspinous, ventral and dorsal.
  • Nuchal ligament = supports head/neck, energy conservation, restrains DSP movement and has 2 parts - funicular + lamellar.
  • Supraspinous ligament = more fibrous/less elastic than nuchal ligament, minimises DSP movement and works with nuchal ligament + abdominals.
  • Muscle chains = coordinated actions and tension in one muscle can affect the whole chain.