each gene codes for a specific sequence of amino acids which make make a specific protein
genome is a set of genetic material
Proteins are made in the cytoplasm on structures called ribosomes
to make proteins, ribosomes use the code in DNA
DNA is too big to move out the nucleus to the ribosome
mRNA copies the code of DNA
The mRNA acts as a messenger between the DNA and Ribosome
The Correct amino acids are brought to the ribosomes in the correct order by carrier molecules
when proteins are formed they fold over into a unique shape
Enzymes act as biological catalysts to speed up chemical reactions in the body
Hormones carry messages around the body
structural proteins are physically strong
Occasionally a gene may mutate
a mutation is a random change in an organisms DNA, These can be inhereted
the chances of mutation can increase the more radiation you're exposed to
Mutations can change the protein that DNA codes for
mutations have little to no effect on a protein
sometimes mutations can effect the proteins functions
Insertion mutation is when a new base is inserted into the DNA base sequence where it shouldn't be. this can change what the amino acids are coded for. this can have a knock on effect on more than one amino acid.
Substitution mutations are when a random base in DNA is changed to another one
Deletions mutations are when a random base is deleted from the DNA sequence. this can be a knock of effect