
Cards (14)

  • groundwater storage: groundwater level/table rises after rainfall event, saturating part of unsaturated zone and storing water in soil
    • depend on soil type
  • specific storage (Sw mm): volume of water in soil per unit area
    • increased by infiltration
    • decreased by evaporation
  • storativity/storage coefficient (mu): ratio between change in specific storage and change in groundwater level
    • smaller than porosity
  • mu=mu =delta(Sw)/delta(h) delta(Sw)/delta(h)
    • Sw (mm) = specific storage
    • h (mm) = groundwater level
  • field capacity: wetness of upper soil layer when soil has lost its surplus of water to groundwater after wet period
  • groundwater level measured using piezometer or groundwater tube
  • storativity not constant, depends on groundwater level and past weather
  • surface water can store water which results in more gradual discharge towards catchment outlet
    • rivers including floodplains
    • natural lakes
    • man-made lakes
    • retention basins
    • reservoirs
  • density of fresh snow is eight times smaller than water
    • 100 cm snow = 12.5 cm water
  • density of old/wet snow is 50% of density of water
  • snow density calculated using snow water equivalent (SWE) and change in snow pack height
  • mu(snowdensity)=mu (snow density) =delta(SWE)/delta(h) delta(SWE)/delta(h)
    • SWE = snow water equivalent
    • h = snow pack height
  • snow accumulation leads to low groundwater levels and low discharges due to hampered infiltration and percolation
  • rain-on-snow events are often destructive due to liquid precipitation accelerating snowmelt