
Cards (11)

  • when were the fundamental laws made?
  • when did pg overthrow nicholas?
  • when did nicholas II abdicate?
    march 1917
  • what was Marxist-Leninism?
    workers would eventually rise and take control, until then Bolsheviks rule on their behalf
  • fundermental laws 1906 reinforced autocracy under Nicholas
  • october manifesto 1905 introduced democratic principles into tsarist russia but was undermined by fundermental laws
  • Duma 1905 theoretically had powers but theses were undercut by Nicolas disbanding Duma whenever he disagreed with them
  • Alexander II introduced reforms like emancipation edict 1861 but upheld autocratic principles by compensating serf owners
  • stalin ruled by cult of personality
  • lenin held ideology of dictatorship of proletariat
  • lenin held ideology of not needing a democratically elected assembly and going straight to a party led by a party central committee