groundwater level tubes used to measure groundwater levels
results show groundwater level with respect to reference level
hydraulic head (H): water column height
elevation head (z): elevation of water droplet compared to certain reference level
reference level is sea level (elevation head is 0 at sea level)
pressure head (h): local pressure measured with pressure meter
reference level is atmospheric pressure (pressure head is 0 at atmospheric pressure)
hydraulic head: H = h + z
water flows from high H to low H
the larger the H difference, the faster the flow velocity
water continues to move along gradient until H1 = H2
unsaturated zone = combination of water, soil and air (gradual decrease in air further underground)
saturated zone = pores between soil are entirely filled with water due to capillary rise
differences in hydraulic heads cause groundwater flow
groundwater class is combination of AHG and ALG
AHG: average of HG3 (mean of 3 highest groundwater levels in hydrological year) for a period of > 8 years
ALG: average of LG3 (mean of 3 lowest groundwater levels in hydrological year) for period of > 8 years
traditionally groundwater levels measured every two weeks but recently groundwater level tubes are equipped with electronic pressure meters which allow continuous measurement
groundwater level distance below soil surface is important for interaction with vegetation (root water uptake) and surface water
main force of groundwater flow is solar energy
leads to evaporation of water at one location while precipitation is formed and falls at different location