OA, AA, + Cx Assessment

Cards (12)

  • spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve consists of 3 parts:
    • pars oralis
    • pars interpolaris
    • pars caudalis
  • the pars caudalis is the most caudal of the 3 trigeminal nuclei + merges with the dorsal horns of the upper 3 cervical spinal cord segments
  • the spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve descends caudally through the medulla oblongata as far as C4 level
  • the trigeminocervical nucleus can be seen as the nociceptive nucleus for the entire head + upper neck
  • C2 + C3 facet joints are thought to play the most significant role in cervicogenic headaches
  • OA biomechanics:
    • cv flexion: occiput glides posteriorly
    • cv extension: occiput glides anteriorly
    • cv side-bending: rotation towards the opposite side
  • when the atlas rotates, the articular facet of the side of rotation glides caudally over the posterior slope of the posterior facet of the axis
  • input from OA, AA, + C2/3 to the trigeminocervical nucleus can cause dizziness
  • C2/ + cx spine combine movements of side-bending + rotation ipsilaterally
  • translation of the cervical spine is side bending at the segmental level
  • PIVM + joint mobilization of OA joint:
    • anterior glide:
    • move to barrier + pull occiput anterior
    • posterior glide:
    • move to barrier + push TVP of C1 anterior which is relative posterior glide
  • PIVM + joint mobilization of AA joint:
    • anterior glide:
    • move to barrier + glide TVP of C1 anterior/inferior
    • posterior glide:
    • move to barrier + glide TVP of C2 anterior/superior which is relative posterior/inferior glide of ipsilateral TVP on C1