Isohypses and equipotential lines

Cards (8)

  • equipotential lines: visualisation of spatial variations in hydraulic heads
  • isohypses: lines connecting points with equal groundwater levels
    • type of equipotential line
  • flow lines: path water droplets take to travel from high hydraulic heads to low hydraulic heads
    • if soil is isotropic, flow lines are perpendicular to equipotential lines because water droplets follow steepest decrease in hydraulic head
  • flow path/tube: area between two flow lines
  • flow net: network of equipotential lines and flow lines
  • curvilinear square flow net: equipotential lines result of hydraulic head measurements at many locations
  • upward and downward seepage vary in space and time
    • spatial variability is result of differences in elevation and soil composition
    • temporal variability is result of wet and dry periods
  • Dupuit assumption: flow in aquifers can be simplified to horizontal flow and flow through aquitards can be simplified to vertical flow