Water balance approach

Cards (10)

  • groundwater recharge (R): net flux towards groundwater and feeds aquifers which eventually leads to groundwater flow
  • amount of hanging water depends on soil type
  • field balance: rainfall - transpiration - evaporation - discharge = 0
  • soil moisture balance: infiltration - root uptake + capillary rise - percolation = 0
  • groundwater balance: percolation - capillary rise - groundwater flow = 0
  • 2D discharge through cross-section at certain distance from water divide: q = R*x
    • R (mm/year) = recharge/precipitation surplus (P - ET)
    • x (m) = distance from water divide
  • hydraulic head gradient is smaller close to water divide when hydraulic conductivity and aquifer thickness are constant
  • discharge equation: Q = B*R*x
    • B (m) = width of aquifer
    • R (mm/year) = precipitation surplus
    • x (m) = distance from water divide
  • flux density: v = (R*x)/D
    • R (mm/year) = precipitation surplus
    • x (m) = distance from water divide
    • D (m) = thickness of aquifer
  • flux density and flow velocity increase linearly with the distance to the water divide