Sanjurjo's uprising in Seville

Cards (3)

    • most extreme form of r/w reaction to the new republic
    • took place in Seville in August 1932
    • claimed to support the republic
    • rejected Azana's policy of granting more autonomy to Catalonia as well as the government's anti-clerical policies
    • seized Seville in an attempt to stimulate further conservative opposition to the government
    • his revolt was poorly thought through
    • expected to receive support of the army and the people of Seville but received neither
    • attempt to seize Madrid was easily defeated, and once it was clear his plans were unravelling he acted indecisively
    • gov responded with minimum force and allowed the unpopular revolt to collapse of its own accord.
  • Consequences:
    • unexpected boost for the republic
    • workers in Seville responded with a general strike in support of the republic
    • rebellion against the legal gov was a disaster for the r/w who had presented themselves as respectable guardians of peace and order before the uprising.