Genetic Explanation

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    • Christiansen studied over 3500 twin pairs in Denmark, finding a concordance for offender behaviour of 35% for MZ males and 23% for DZ males (slightly lower rates for females). This supports a genetic component in offending.
    • Crowe (1972) found that adopted children who had a biological mother with a criminal record had a 50% risk of having a criminal record age 18. Whereas adopted children whose mother didn't have a criminal record only had a 5% risk.
    • A genetic analysis of about 800 offenders by Tilhonen suggested two genes that may be associated with violent crime:
      • MAOA gene-regulates serotonin and linked to aggressive behaviour
      • CDH13 gene-linked to substance abuse and ADHD.
      The study found that 5-10% of all severe violent crime in Finland is attributable to the MAOA and CDH13 genotypes.
    • If genes have an influence on offending, this influence is likely to be at least partly moderated by environmental factors.
    • The diathesis-stress model suggests that a tendency to offending behaviour is due to a combination of:
      • Genetic predisposition (diathesis).
      • A biological or psychological stressor or trigger' (e.g. criminal role models or dysfunctional upbringing).