Trophic interactions

Cards (10)

  • scramble competition: using nutrients more efficiently than competitor
  • interference competition: direct interference with competitor
  • competition is stronger between individuals of same species (intraspecific) than between different species (interspecific)
  • predation: consumption of animals
    herbivory: consumption of plants
  • prey developed different defence mechanisms that cost energy and are thus only used when there is a predation risk
  • phytoplankton are important primary producer in turbid lakes
  • aquatic plants and algae that grow on bottom or on plants (periphyton) are most important biomass producers in clear ditches and ponds
  • dead material from primary producers (detritus) accumulates at bottom and is food for bacteria and invertebrates
  • trophic cascade (‘top-down theory’)
    • phytoplankton -> zooplankton -> planktivorous fish -> piscivorous fish
    • difference in abundances of species depending on which species are in system
  • functioning of aquatic ecosystem
    • energy- and carbon cycle for production and decomposition
    • competition for light, nutrients and space
    • food web interaction