The scientific method is a series of steps to generate new knowledge from a tried and test method
The five steps of the scientific method are:
Asking questions
Formulating a hypothesis
Making predictions
Testing the hypothesis
Analyzing the results to reach conclusions
What do we do after the last step of the scientific method?
Repeat and revise experiments or hypothesis
An observation is something you see in particular about a certain subject
Objectivedata is data that can be measured with no personal bias or opinions.Subjective data is data that’s subjected to someone’s perspective, so bias interferes.
A hypothesis is a proposed explanation and possible answer to your question.
Deduction is the process of systematically eliminating possibilities and supporting others
Predictions are possible consequences of the hypothesis proposed.
In observationalstudies, the researcher collects data without manipulating the system.
In an experiment, the researcher manipulates the system to achieve a response.
A cause and effect relationship is the relationship between what’s being manipulated versus the consequence of that.
The dependentvariable is measured after the experiment has manipulated the test conditions. The independent variable is the experimental condition, which the researcher manipulates to generate a response.
Procedures are step-by-step sequences of actions performed during the experiment which involves the manipulation of the independent variable and the response of the dependent variable.
A treatment is the set manipulation applied to the independent variable
The experimental group responds to the independent variable, while the control group doesn’t receive the treatment.
Data is analyzed to reject/support the hypothesis and reach a conclusion.
Continuousvariables are measured quantitatively using a logical order of numbers.
Discrete variables are measured quantitatively and use categories or an unordered set of numbers
The greater the sample size, the more accurate the results.
Tables are used to collect raw data to summarize. They consist of the name, number, title, columnheading, and body
What features are included in tables?
name, number, title, column heading, body
Graphs are diagrams that represent data in an organized manner.
What features are included in graphs?
name, number, title, y-axis label, x-axis label, body
Linegraphs show the relationship between variables in an experiment
Bargraphs are used to compare data and identify trends.
Energy is the fuel needed for our bodies to move. The most common form is ATP.
Cellular respiration is the way our cells turn food into ATP
Cellular oxygen demand is the amount of oxygen required to complete cellularrespiration
Bacteria are microscopic, single-celled prokaryotic organisms which live in various habitats