Good and Evil

Cards (42)

  • What is relative morality?
    When the rightness/wrongness of an action depends on the situation
  • What is evil for Christians?
    Evil are actions that go against God’s will e.g. disregarding agape love. Humans are born ’sinful‘
  • What is absolute morality?
    When an action is always right/wrong, regardless of the situation
  • The Qur’an is… 

    The literal word of Allah revealed to Prophet Muhammad
  • How does The Bible guide Christian morality?
    Contains laws, e.g. 10 commandments
  • Fitrah is…
    An inner sense of right and wrong
  • How did Jesus guide Christian morality?
    He preached agape love- love your enemies
  • What is evil for Muslims?
    Evil results from Shaytan’s temptations
  • What is the conscience?
    The “small, still voice of God”
  • The Problem of Evil is…
    “If God is so omniscient and omnibenevolent, why does evil and suffering exist?” - Epicurus
  • What are the three virtues that guide Christian morality?
    Faith, hope and charity
  • How does the theodicy of Job explain why we suffer?
    God’s wisdom is beyond us - when we suffer we should accept that it happens for a good reason that we cannot understand
  • How does the theodicy of Adam & Eve explain why we suffer?
    Adam and Eve are from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil and caused sin and suffering
  • What is a deterrent?
    To discourage people from committing crimes e.g. death penalty
  • How does the ‘soul making’ theodicy explain why we suffer?
    Evil helps develop our souls to become worthy of heaven (Irenaeus)
  • What is protection?
    To protect society from people committing crimes
  • How does Al Qadr explain why we suffer?
    Al-Qadr= Allah‘s divine plan (“most-wise”)
  • What are 3 things prison chaplains do?
    Provide pastoral care, counselling, education, perform religious services, conduct Bible studies
  • What are 3 causes of crime?
    Social, financial, personal
  • What is reform?
    To improve a criminal‘s moral character (e.g. counselling, education)
  • State a teaching for reform
    “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you“
  • What is retribution?
    Revenge on behalf of the victim
  • State a teaching for retribution
    “Eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, life for a life”
  • State a teaching for protection
    “Protect the ummah”
  • State a teaching for deterrent
    “Let harm be met by equal harm”
  • Why might a Christian be against the death penalty?
    “Forgive not seven times, but seventy times seven!”
  • Why might a Muslim be in favour for the death penalty?
    To “protect the ummah” as long as there is a “just cause”
  • Why might a Muslim be against the death penalty?
    “Allah is most-merciful“ 99 names
  • What is meant by good?
    Actions that are morally right
  • How did Jesus show forgiveness?
    Jesus forgave us “Forgive them Father” - inspired Gee Walker
  • What is meant by evil?
    Actions that are morally wrong
  • How does Allah model forgiveness?
    Allah set the perfect example. Most-merciful 99 names
  • What is meant by sin?
    A deliberate wrong that violates a religious law
  • How did Prophet Muhammad demonstrate forgiveness?
    Prophet Muhammad forgave the man who murdered his uncle in the Battle of Uhud
  • What is meant by suffering?
    Pain or distress caused by injury, illness or loss
  • What is meant by morality?
    Standards that determine right from wrong
  • What is meant by justice?
    Where people are treated fairly and equally in society
  • What is meant by free will?
    To make decisions freely
  • What is meant by punishment?
    A penalty given to someone for a crime or wrong they have done
  • What is meant by forgiveness?
    To give up the desire for revenge