The cell wall structure adds strength and rigidity to the cell, allowing plants to stand upright and grow tall
Polysaccharide: Many monosaccharides joined together in a chain, forming a complex carbohydrate
Poly: In the context of biological molecules, it refers to many
Polysaccharides are complex carbohydrates made up of long chains of monosaccharide units.
Polysaccharides are formed by the condensation of many monosaccharides
Cellulose is an example of a polysaccharide found in plants. It is the main structural component of plants, due to its strength
Cellulose is a polymer consisting of long straight chains of beta-glucose joined together by 1,4glycosidic bonds
In order to make the chains straight in cellulose, every other glucose is inverted
Each cellulose chain forms hydrogen bonds with surrounding chains, forming microfibrils
Hydrogen bonds on their own are weak, but many of them together allows for cellulose to be strong
The high tensile strength of cellulose allows it to be stretched without breaking which makes it possible for cell walls to withstand turgor pressure
Cellulose fibres are freely permeable which allows water and solutes to leave or reach the cell surface membrane
Starch is a polysaccharide found in plants. It is the main energy store in plants
Due to the many monomers in starch, it takes longer to digest than pure glucose
Starch is insoluble. This means that it has no osmotic effect on plants
Despite glucose being faster to digest than starch, glucose would lower the water potential of a cell and cause water to move in – thus causing cell damage
Starch is made up of two different types of polysaccharide: amylopectin and amylose
Amylose consists of unbranchedspiralling chains of alpha-glucose molecules, joined by 1,4glycosidic bonds
Amylose's coiled structure means that it is very compact so lots of amylose can be packed into a cell
Amylopectin consists of branched chains of alpha-glucose molecules
Amylopectin's branches increase its surface area which means that enzymes can quickly break it apart when glucose is needed for respiration
Amylopectin contains 1,4 and 1,6glycosidic bonds
Glycogen is the main energy store for animals and fungi
Glycogen consists of branched chains of alpha-glucose, with 1,4 and 1,6glycosidic bonds
Glycogen is similar to amylopectin but has more side-branches and is more compact
In cellulose, every other glucose is inverted, forming straight chains that can wrap together to form fibrils. These are strong. Cellulose also contains lots of hydrogen bonds. Many hydrogen bonds add strength
Animals store excess glucose as glycogen in the liver and muscle cells
Hydrogen bonds make fibrils very strong yet still flexible, allowing them to provide support
Animals have higher metabolic rates than plants so have more highly branched structures to allow for a faster release of glucose
Glycogen needs to be more branched than starch so glucose can be hydrolysed and released more quickly (animals have a higher metabolic rate)