Cards (42)

  • DNA contains deoxyribose
  • purines
    adenine and guanine
  • pyrimidines
    thymine and cytosine
  • RNA contains ribose
  • mRNA
    messenger, intermediate between DNA and proteins
  • DNA to mRNA is transcription
  • transcription
    DNA to mRNA
  • translation
    mRNA to proteins
  • What are the protein structures?
    primary secondary tertiary quaternary
  • central dogma of molecular biology
    flow of information from transcription to translation
  • mutation in genes cause defects in steps in metabolic pathways
  • bacteriophage infect bacteria by injecting DNA
  • specific base paring explain how genetic information is copied and transferred
  • genetic code showed how DNA sequence information is translated into Aa sequences
  • human genome nomenculture organisation
    approves a gene name and symbol for each known human gene
  • sequence ontology constorium
    a set of terms and relationships used to describe the features and attributes of biological sequence
  • genetic diversity
    heritable variation withing and between populations of organisms
  • epigenetic variation
    differences in gene expression not sequence
  • genetic variation
    differences in bases of DNA
  • mutation is the ultimate source of genetic variation
  • point mutations
    change is a single base in either deletion, substitution, insertion, inversion
  • larger mutations include duplication, inversion, deletion, insertion, translocation
  • silent mutation
    does not change the Aa
  • mutation is random
  • non-coding DNA typically changes faster than that of coding DNA
  • different part of DNA evolve at different rates
  • Mendel's law of independent assortment
    two alleles for a heritable character segregate during gamete formation and end up in different gamete
  • hemizygous
  • character
    observable physiological feature
  • trait
    form of character
  • genotype
    genetic makeup of an organism
  • phenotype= genotype + environment
  • measuring diversity in an individual is shown in percentage of heterozygotes
  • genetic diversity within a population is measured frequencies of genes at a set loci
  • all homozygous have a frequency of 0-1
  • all heterozygous have a frequency of 0.5
  • loss of genetic diversity means a reduction in evolutionary options in the long term
  • genetic bottlenecking
    populations crash to very low levels and then recover but have a reduced genetic diversity
  • bottlenecking means reproductive success decreases
  • small populations lose genetic diversity overtime