Variation in traits arises as a result of mutation . Mutation is the original source of newsequences of DNA . These new sequences can be novel alleles . Most mutations are harmful or neutral , but in rare cases they may be beneficial to the fitness of an individual.
Populations produce more offspring than the environment can support, resulting in selectionpressures
Individuals with variations that are better suited to their environment tend to survive longer and produce more offspring , breeding to pass on those alleles that conferred an advantage to the next generation.
Selection results in the NON-RANDOM increase in the frequency of advantageous alleles and the NON-RANDOM decrease in the frequency of deleterious alleles.
Sexual selection is the NON-RANDOM process involving the selection of alleles that increase the individual’s chances of mating and producing offspring . It may lead to sexualdimorphism which is where two sexes of the same species exhibit different characteristics e.g. Lions, peacocks etc
Male-male rivalry: Large size or weaponry increases access to females through conflict. E.g. male deer use antlers to compete for females
Female choice: Involves females assessing the fitness of males. this may result in males attempting to "attract" females through elaborate displays.
Genetic drift is more important in small populations, as alleles are more likely to be lost from the genepool.
Bottleneck effect: Population bottlenecks occur when a population size is reduced for at least one generation. The reduced population can have lower genetic diversity.
Founder effect: Founder effects occur through the isolation of a few members of a population from a larger population. The gene pool of the new population is not representative of that in the original gene pool.
A gene pool is altered by genetic drift because certain alleles may be under-represented or over-represented and allele frequencies change.
The HW principle can be used to determine whether a change in allelefrequency is occurring in a population over time. Changes suggest evolution is occurring.
p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
p = frequency of dominant allele
q = frequency of recessive allele
p2 = frequency of homozygousdominant genotype
2pq = frequency of heterozygous genotype
q2 = frequency of homozygousrecessive genotype
Fitness is an indication of an individual’s ability to be successful at surviving and reproducing
The ratio between the number of individuals of a particular genotype after selection, to those before selection.
frequency of a particular genotype after selection
frequency of a particular genotype before selection
the ratio of the number of surviving offspring per individual of a particular genotype to the number of surviving offspring per individual of the most successful genotype
number of surviving offspring per individual of a particular genotype
number of surviving offspring per individual of the most successful genotype
Co-evolution is the process by which two or more species evolve in response to selection pressures imposed by each other
Symbiosis is the Co-evolved intimate relationships between members of two differentspecies.
The impacts of these relationships can be positive (+), negative(-) or neutral (0) for the individuals involved.
Mutualism, commensalism, and parasitism are types of symbiotic interactions
Both organisms are interdependent on each other for resources or other services. As both organisms gain from the relationship, the interaction is (+/+).
Example: Clown fish and anemones
only one of the organisms benefits (+/0).
Example: Cattle egrets follow cattle herds, eating the insects disturbed by the moving cattle, the cattle gain no benefit.
the parasite benefits in terms of energy or nutrients and the host is harmed as the result of the loss of these resources (+/-).
Example: Mosquitos and humans.
The Red Queen hypothesis states that, in a co-evolutionary relationship , change in the traits of one species can act as a selectionpressure on the other species. This means that species in these relationships must adapt to avoid extinction .