Lateral mandibular incisor

Cards (12)

  • It resembles the mandibular central incisor very closely
  • They lateral and central mandibular incisors have very similar functions.
  • Sometimes, IT will have a root division labially and lingually towards the cervical third. More commonly, it can have two canals in the singular root
  • It is usually larger than the man cent incisor
  • Labial and lingual aspect: lingually it may display a deep cervicolingual groove which makes it vulnerable to dental caries
  • Mesial and distal aspect: The mesial side is often longer than the distal side, leading to the incisal ridge to develop a slight downward slope towards the distal side
  • Mesial and distal aspect: The distal contact point is more cervical than the mesial one. This is to help it contact the canine properly. There is no identifyable difference between the mesial and distal side apart from the distal being slightly shorter
  • Mesial and distal aspect: The curvatures of the cervical line are very similar. The root can be considerably longer than the central incisor. Structurally however the roots are very similar, also having a developmental depression mesially and distally
  • Incisal aspect: The incisal edge does not make a right angle to the line bisecting the crown like it does on the central mandibular incisor. The Incisal ridge slopes downwards distally
  • Incisal aspect: The cingulum is more prominant distally too
  • Incisal aspect: The incisal edge follows the curvature of the dental arch
  • Incisal aspect: The labiolingual root axes remain almost parallel in the alveolar process