Block 2

Cards (326)

  • what type of cell can you see in acute inflammation?
  • What type of cell do you see in chronic inflammation?
    mononuclear leukocytes such as lymphocyte, macrophages and plasma cell
  • women with sputum sample positive for tuberculosis, what type of cell do you see in the biopsy?
    epithelioid cell
  • chest x-ray reveals pulmonary edema, fluid accumulation mechanism?
    contraction of endothelium
  • final step in evolution of cell into malignancy?
    P53 mutation
  • 40-year old man with bcl2 antibody positive lymphoma, mechanism of development?
    lack of apoptosis
  • strep infection causing murmur and high ESR and microbial cell opsonization, chemical mediator?
  • sialyl lewis x defect is caused by?
    neutrophil rolling issue
  • 5 year old child with burn blisters- has exudate or transudate?
  • factor for breast cancer metastatic invasion into lymph nodes?
    laminin receptor
  • How to differentiate polyp between neoplasia and hyperplasia?
    look at gene rearrangement
  • Cancer not responding to chemotherapy - why?
    BRCA GOF mutation
  • what is the mechanism of Nm and Nn?
    activation (opening) of Na/K channels
  • What is causing thrombus clot formation to local injury by inducing platelet aggregation?
    thromboxane A2
  • Question about cell changes in the esophagus due to acid reflux, what kind of metaplasia?
    metaplasia, they change from simple to columnar which will be the intestinal type
  • what do you see in a granulomatous (caseous) inflammatory lesion?
    collection of macrophages (caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis)
  • which of the following cytokines is involved in fibroblast proliferation and inflammation repair response?
    platelet derived growth factors
  • during wound healing, which of the fibroblast types come first?
    type 3 comes first then is later replaced by type 1
  • what type of stem cell will be produced when fibroblast is used to synthesize new stem cells using transcription factors like SOX 2?
    totipotent stem cell
  • patient with squamous cell carcinoma of the lung, what will it produce?
    parathyroid hormone related peptide (PTHrP) with hypercalcemia
  • retinoblastoma gene mutation, R2F related, what disease can be associated with this condition?

    osteosarcoma, CDK 4, 6, 2
  • Question about adenoma carcinoma sequence of colonic cancer, which genetic mutation occur last?
  • angiosarcoma (hepatic) is caused by?
    vinyl chloride
  • chadiak-higashi is defect in what?
    phagolysosome function (Lyst protein)
  • Sarcoma -> Mesenchymal cell origin -> hematogenous spread
  • carcinoma -> epithelial cell origin -> lymphatic spread
  • TGF-beta -> cause fibroblast to lay down collagen
  • PDGF promotes?
    wound healing (scar tissue or fibrosis)
  • HER2neu causes?
    proliferation or migration
  • stable cell are in what phase?
    G0 phase (liver) compensatory hyperplasia
  • what does IL8 do?
    attract neutrophils
  • PGE2 causes what?
  • what type of signal is in chronic inflammation?
    IL12 and IFN-gamma - causes macrophage activation
  • acute inflammation is signal by what?
    TNF-alpha, IL1, IL6 - sepsis/septic shock and serum amyloid
  • myeloperoxidase deficiency - what are you susceptible to?
    candida infection
  • chronic granulomatous disease -> NADPH oxidase defect
    • recurrent infection of cat + bacteria
    • nitroblue test (blue is good)
  • what drug is contraindicated with narrow angular glaucoma?
    atropine because of antimuscarinic effect
  • women has myasthenia gravis, she went through endophorium challenge, increase in muscle strength was observed. What is the next recommended step of treatment?
    increase the dosage
  • a scientist introduces a drug that decrease blood pressure, increase HR, dilates pupil, reduce gastrointestinal motility, decrease salvation, which of the following drug is most likely to produce this effect?
    hexamethonium - ganglionic blocker
  • diabetic patient requires ocular administration of atropine, administration of atropine into the eye produces?
    mydriasis - causes dilation