Specializations of Cells, Tissues, and Systems in Plants

Cards (12)

  • Dermal Tissue: also known as the epidermis is the outer layer of cells typically one or two cell layers thick
    • shoot system
    • dermal tissue of the root system organs is responsible for the uptake of water and minerals from the soil
    • in the leaves and stems, involved in gas exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen
  • Root hairs increase the surface area for absorption of water.
  • Ground Tissue: makes up the majority of the plant and is found as a layer beneath the epidermis
    • provides strength and support for the stem
    • involved in food and water storage in the roots
    • In the leaves, it is the location where photosynthesis occurs
  • Vascular Tissue: responsible for the transportation of materials throughout the plant
    • Xylem tissue
    • Phloem Tissue
  • Xylem Tissue: moves water and dissolved minerals from the roots up the stem to the leaves where it's used in photosynthesis
    • Xylem vessels are thick-walled tubes
    • as it mature, they fuse together and the walls become perforated
    • leaves the non-living cell walls attached together like a long straw
  • Phloem Tissue: transports sucrose and other dissolved sugars from the leaves to other parts of the plant
    • formed from individual long sieve tube cells that have perforated end walls
    • remains alive, but lose their nuclei
    • connected to small, companion cells that direct their activities
  • Cuticle: a waxy substance that covers the epidermal cells, that prevents water from uncontrollably evaporating from the leaf
  • Specialized cells in the epidermis are called guard cells. It forms tiny openings called stomata that allow gas exchange to happen.
  • Stomata: tiny openings in the epidermis
    • Close at night to prevent water loss
    • most of the stomata is found on the underside of the leaf to prevent water loss
    • where exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen occurs
    • guard cells that surround the stomata control
  • Palisade Mesophyll: found just below the upper epidermis
    • cells are tightly packed together to maximize exposure to the sun
    • responsible for photosynthesis --> contains many chloroplasts
  • Spongy Mesophyll: between the palisade mesophyll and the lower epidermis
    • increased spaces between the cells for gases to diffuse throughout the leaf
    • also contain some chloroplasts for photosynthesis
  • The xylem and phloem tissues are bundled in a vascular bundle.