structure and function

Cards (12)

  • blood vessels: delivery system that ends and starts with the heart
    • works with the lymphatic system to circulate fluids
  • arteries: oxygenated blood away from the heart except in the pulmonary and circulation and umbilical vessels of fetus
  • veins: carry deoxygenated blood to the heart except for pulmonary circulation and umbilical vessels of fetus
  • capillaries: have intimate with tissues and deliver cellular needs
  • lumen: All vessels have this blood containing space surrounded by a wall
    • Walls of all vessels, except capillaries, have three layers, or tunics:
    1.  Tunica intima
    2.  Tunica media
    3. Tunica externa
  • Capillaries have Endothelium with sparse basal lamina
  • Tunica intima: innermost layer made of simple squamous epithelium that is in contact with blood
    • continuous with endocardium
    • slick surface reduces friction
    • additional found in vessels larger than 1 mm is the subendothelial layer a connective tissue basement membrane
  • Tunica Media: middle layer made of mostly smooth muscles and elastin
    • innervated by sympathetic vasomotor fibers controlling vasoconstriction and dilation
    • bulkiest layer responsible for maintaining blood flow and blood pressure
  • tunica externa (tunica adventitia): outermost layer
    • composed of loose collagen fibers that protect and reinforce wall and anchor to surroundings
    • infiltrated with nerve fibers, lymphatic vessels
    • larger veins also contain elastic fibers
    • Vasa vasorum: system of tiny blood vessels found in larger vessels 
    • Function to nourish outermost layer
  • Artery, vein, capillaries
    A) endothelium
    B) internal elastic membrane
    C) external elastic membrane
    D) vasa vasorum
    E) lumen
    F) artery
    G) vein
    H) capillary