Cards (22)

  • The five phases of modern event leadership process are: research, design, planning, coordination, and evaluation.
  • Recognize and use the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of your event.
  • Create an accurate blueprint for your event.
  • Conduct a comprehensive needs assessment.
  • Complete a gap analysis for your event.
  • The research phase in event leadership is to determine the needs, wants, desires, and expectations of the target market.
  • Determine how to obtain the very best position in a crowded marketplace during the research phase.
  • Determine the target or primary market during the research phase.
  • The research phase in event leadership also involves studying the service levels expected by guests.
  • The design phase in event leadership involves creating an event product that you are developing and presenting.
  • The planning phase in event leadership involves determining the needs, wants, desires, and expectations of the target market.
  • The planning phase in event leadership also involves determining how to obtain the very best position in a crowded marketplace.
  • The planning phase in event leadership involves determining the target or primary market.
  • The planning phase in event leadership also involves studying the service levels expected by guests.
  • The coordination phase in event leadership involves making hundreds of decisions.
  • The coordination phase in event leadership involves using professional training and experience to make the correct decision.
  • The coordination phase in event leadership involves considering the moral and ethical implication of your decision.
  • The coordination phase in event leadership involves considering the financial implications of your decision.
  • The coordination phase in event leadership involves considering the pros & cons in terms of who will be affected.
  • The evaluation phase in event leadership involves collecting all the information and reviewing all parts of the event leadership process.
  • The evaluation phase in event leadership involves getting information, improving planning, and implementing effective strategies.
  • The form of event evaluation can be a written survey, using monitors, telephone or mail survey, pre & post-event survey, or interview/face to face immediately.