Cards (137)

  • Players - stakeholders that affect a particular area and have influenece
  • OPEC - organisation of oil and petroleum exporting countries
  • consumers - an individual that takes in particular information , products , goods etc.
  • synoptic themes - players and globalisation
  • the balance between energy supply and demand determines the level of energy security . is supply exceeds demand the area is in enrgy surplus if demand exceeds supply there is energy deficit
  • energy mix - the eco position of a country’s energy sources
  • energy pathway - the movement of energy from its extraction or source through the likes of pipes
  • energy players - key companies and individuals who own distribute and sell energy sources
  • basic stages of player involvement - discovery , extraction , transportation , retail and consumption
  • Gasprom - Russian owned energy company utilise russias huge gas reserves and provide this gas to most EU countries
  • Gazprom's input makes 40% of EUs total gas supply which makes Russia very politically powerful
  • due to russia- ukranian war oil prices of crude oil have increased by $41
  • in June 2022 Russia cut off gas supplies by 80% to the Eu
  • shell - Bodo community took shell to court in 2017 and won with $110 million US dollars the community decided to evenly split the money due to fears of corruption
  • OPEC role ; protect interests of the member nations , stabilise oil prices , ensures regulatory supply of oil , controls 78% of worlds oil reserves
  • OPEC may have positive impact for communities and governments due to their ownership of large amounts of oil . more economically focused
  • possibly OPEC relevance ay be decreasing as a result of the rise in governments wanting to move to renewable energy resources where we are relying less on fossil fuels
  • TNCs role in energy pathways : TNCs can enrich poor countries to produce their own energy , responsible for exploration , extraction , transportation and refining , they respond to market conditions , they own supply lines
  • ncs have a positive impact on players such as governments due to their high economic activity
  • negative impacts of TNCs to locals as they ca take adavantges of locals and even environemntalists
  • almost 50% of oil and gas TNCs are state owned
  • TNCs are responsible for the discovery , transportation etc. so are largely important for the basis of the oil industry , however management strategies need t be checked and reviewed
  • national governments on their role in ENRGY pathways : governments can subsidise the use of renewable energy ,can make agreements and initiatives globally such as the Paris agreement 2015 , research and development for renewable energy
  • positive impacts of national governments : can appeal parties to ensure a greener world.
  • negative impacts of national government : initiatives can be disapproved by TNCs and OPEC as the want to ensure their oil businesses are still in the running compared to te move to renewable energy resource's
  • OPEC countries include , Saudi Arabia , Russia and Iran
  • the world has not 100% moved to renewables so will still require the usage of fossil fuels until these renewables have been mainstreamed
  • consumers role in energy pathways : demand and attitude of the people within countries can determine the type of energy used in that countries , NICs such as china have increased imports due to an increased consumerist society
  • positive impacts of consumers in energy security : environmentalists
  • consumer decisions may be the lost important as they underpin and include activities of national governments , OPEC and TNCs
  • Consumption - the action of using up a resource
  • Energy security - own consistent source of energy at an affordable price
  • Energy insecurity - cannot meet the energy needs of its own country
  • Surplus - an amount or quantity that is greater than what is needed
  • Key terms with energy security : consumption , demand , energy security , energy insecurity , surplus , finite and efficient
  • amount of energy consumed depends on: lifestyle , climate , technology , availability and need
  • Physical availability : if country cannot produce its own energy resource it will need to outsource , this causes an increase in transport costs
  • Technology : modern technology is continually being upgraded and renewed due to increase in consumer societies , can cause exploitation of oil and gas , modern techno is enrgy thirsty
  • Cost : energy cost includes physical exploitation , processing converting primary resources into secondary resources
  • Economic development : for some countries the same energy costs for all may be valued as expensive , economic development dictates how much energy is used as a result it underpins energy consumption