Cards (20)

  • Electromotive force is also known as
  • the direction of the magnetic field follows the direction of the left hand finger, when the left thumb points in the direction of the left hand fingers
  • type of magnet in which the magnetic field is produced by an eletric current
  • shown when a current carrying conductor within a magnetic field moves in the direction of the force
  • applied in making an electric motor that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy
  • human reproductive system responsible for creation of life
  • the ovary is the major male and female reproductive organ that produce the male and female sex cells gametes
  • penis is the male organ used in copulation
  • testicles is the tube that carries urine form the bladder to the outside of the body and is also the passageway of the sperm out of the male's body
  • epididymis is a long coiled tube that rests on the backside of each testicles
  • seminal vesicles is a long muscular tube that extends form the epididymis into the pelvic cavity
  • cervix is found at the lower narrow end of the uterus and serves as its opening
  • inhibin is used to regulate electrolytes in the body
  • prolactin is protein produced by the anterior pituitary gland
  • the female organs that produce sex cells are the paired testes
  • a region around the magnet
  • can help in observing the direction of circular around the magnet
  • shown that the changing magnetic field induces
  • refers to the number of magnetic field lines passing to a unit area
  • process which electronic current is generated on a conductor