To respond to God's love ,man is bestowed with Sanctifiying Grace
Habitual grace is a permanent disposition to live and act with the love of God
God's interventions on man's conversion and santification is actual grace
Conversion is the Holy Spirits work of grace
The gifts proper to different sacremts are called sacremental graces
Trough sanctifiyinggrace humans enjoy personal relationships with God rather than being focused on worldly benefits
Lorenzo Luiz is the first filipino martyr proclaimed a Saint
Saint Lorenzo Ruiz was born in Biondo Manila
Jesus said I am with you always even to the end of the world
Jesus commision the desciples to go make more more desciples and baptize and teach them
Sacrament comes from the Latin word sacrementum
Sacraments are efficacious signs and symbols christ abiding precence here on eartg
Primodial Sacrament is the sacrament of Gods saving love in Jesus in his humanity
Foundational or Basic Sacrament is the graduap development and celebration of the seven ritual sacraments
Give grace means that Christ gives grace trough the Church even if there is a lack in holiness
Jesus Christ is the "PrimordialSacrament"
Source,the root and effect is in Christ who is the source
PrimaryAgent the celebration of words and actions the ministet is done by Christ is various sacraments.
Goal,because Christ is thr reflection toward which our life ends,we must be formed to the image and likeness of christ
SaintMargaretMary Alacoque desired to be Jesus'spouse
Saint Margaret Mary Alacuqur was known to be a visionary of the sacredhearth
Saint Margaret Mary Alaque had revelations from the sacredhearth where Christ informed her that she was his choseninstrument to spread the sacred hearth devotion
Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque's devotion is known as the Nine Fridays and the HolyHour