Cards (7)

    • stages of gender constancy:
      1. gender labelling
      2. gender stability
      3. gender constancy
    • Kohlberg suggested that all children mature through the same 3 stages of gender development. This occurs inline with biologically-determined development in terms of physical appearance and intellectual/cognitive development
    • Gender identity occurs between the ages of 2 and 3 years old. At this point, the child is generally able to identify themselves as either male or female, but cannot do so for others.
    • Gender labelling
      • The first stage happens between 2-3y of age. When children are consistently able to recognize themselves and others as male or female. But this view is based on physical appearance only and can change if appearance does
    • Gender Stability
      • round age of 4-6  children realize gender is consistent over time and that boys grow into men and girls into females. But they still have only a partial understanding believing that boys could become females if they do female things
    • Gender Constancy
      • At 6-7 y children believe that gender is constant across time and situations. Kohlberg believed that once the child achieved gender constancy, values become attached to gender based behaviours. It is only at that point do they identify with the adult figures who have the qualities they see as being most central to their concepts of themselves
    • Kohlberg suggested that through social learning theory, children imitate and develop the characteristics/personality traits of sex-role appropriate role models, who potentially have been identified as society or the media as being ideal or appropriate representations of what a male or female should be like. This may therefore be the beginning of the development of sex-role stereotypes