mass market is a large market where there are very similarproducts on offer
niche market is a smallsegment of a market where customers have specificneeds and wants
market size is the total revenue generated by the sales of allproducts and services in a givenmarket
marketshare is businessrevenuedivided by totalmarketsrevenue x 100
dynamic market is a market that is constantlychanging
product orientation is when a business develops its products based on what it’s good at doing
market orientation is when a business responds to consumer needs and designsproductsaccordingly
primaryresearch is collecting data that has not been collected before (focus group, questionnaire,survey, observation)
+ specific to your business
-can be expensive
secondary research- data that has already been collected by others (internet, magazines, statistics)
+ quick and easytocollect
-notrelevant/ may be outdated
market segmentation- seperating the market into smaller groups that share similar characteristics which will help you target your market
marketmapping is the process of visually organising information about various competitors in a specific market in order to understand market trends and positionsofotherbusinesses
competitive advantage is a condition where a business is in a favourableposition in relation to its competitors