The Universe and The Solar System

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  • Our Universe is 4.6% Baryonic Matter, 24% Cold Dark Matter (CDM), 71.4% Dark Energy.
  • Baryonic Matter refers to ordinary matter consisting of protons, neutrons, electrons. Objects include Clouds of cold gas, Planets, Comets and Asteroids, Stars, Galaxies
  • Dark Matter refers to the matter that has gravity but does not emit light. It binds the universe
  • Dark Energy is the source of anti-gravity. It is non-particulate and has repulsive gravity. It tears the universe.
  • Hydrogen, helium, and lithium are the most abundant elements.
  • Stars are the building blocks of galaxies born out of clouds of gas and dust.
  • Protostar is an early stage of a star resulting from the gravitational collapse of gases.
  • Thermonuclear Reaction is a nuclear fission reaction responsible for the energy produced by stars
  • Main Sequence Stars are stars that fuse hydrogen atoms to form helium atoms in their cores; outward pressure resulting from nuclear fusion is balanced by gravitational forces.
  • Planetary nebula is a ring-shaped nebula formed by an expanding shell of gas around an aging star.
  • White Dwarf is what stars become after they have exhausted their nuclear fuel.
  • Neutron Star is a celestial object of very small radius and very high density, composed predominantly of closely packed neutrons
  • Black hole is a region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter or radiation can escape.
  • Light year is the distance light can travel in a year.
  • The Universe is 13.8 billion years old. Its diameter is possibly infinite (at least 91 billion light years).
  • Edwin Hubble proved that the universe is expanding. He announced his significant discovery of "red-shift" in 1929.
  • Red Shift is increase in Lambda, decrease in frequency (moving away) while Blue Shift is the opposite.
  • The apparent frequency of a sound changes due to the relative movement of the source and/or observer is called The Doppler Effect.
  • The Cosmic Microwave Background is the remnant heat left over from the Big Bang. It is accidentally discovered by Arno Penzias and Robert W. Wilson in 1964.
  • The Steady State Theory states that new matter is created as the universe expands thereby maintaining its density.
  • The Big Bang Theory states that the universe is 13.8 billions years old and started from a tiny dense hot mass to its present size and much cooler state. The theory rests on two sides. General Relativity and Cosmological Principle
  • The Kuiper Belt comprises numerous rocky or icy bodies a few meters to hundreds of kilometers in size
  • The Oort Cloud marks the outer boundary of the solar system and is composed mostly of icy objects.
  • Most of the mass in the solar system in concentrated in the Sun (99.8%) while angular momentum is held by the outer planets
  • Orbits of the planets are elliptical and are on the same plane.
  • Most planets rotate prograde (meaning same direction as the orbit)
  • Terrestrial Planets have:
    • high densities
    • thin or no atmospheres
    • rotate slowly
    • rocky material
    • poor in ices and lower contents of H, He, and novel gases.
  • Jovian Planets have:
    • low densities
    • thick atmospheres
    • rotate rapidly
    • many natural satellites
    • fluid interiors, rich in ices
  • During the 1700s, Emanuel Swedenborg, Immanuel Kant, Pierre-Simson Laplace thought of a rotating gaseous cloud that cools and contracts in the middle to form the Sun and the rest into a disc that becomes planets.
  • The sun occupies 99.8% of the total mass while having only 2% angular momentum