Fought between the Russians and the Ottoman Turks (who was supported by Britain and France).
Culminated in the siege of Sevastopol, during which the Russians surrendered and the Treaty of Paris was signed
Long term causes of the Crimean War:
The decline of the Ottoman Empire gave rise to the Eastern Question which the Great Powers were anxious to solve, whilst still preserving their economic and political interests
Central goal of Russian foreign policy was to obtain a warm water port in the south
Short term causes of the Crimean War:
In 1853, Russia sought increased power in the Black Sea region and the Balkans by provoking the decaying Ottoman Empire
A dispute between Russia and France arose over Orthodox Christian and Catholic rights and duties in the Holy Lands (part of the Ottoman Empire)
Crimean War events:
Nov 1853: Russians destroyed the Turkish fleet at Sinope, killing over 4000 Turks. Sparked intense protest from Britain and France
Jan 1854: both British and French navies positioned in the Black Sea (but British were still trying to avert war)
Feb 1854: France and Britain sent an ultimatum to withdraw, which was ignored meaning they joined the war
Crimean War Events 2:
Sept 1854: Britain and France invaded the Crimea. Battle of Alma - Russians lost 6000 troops
Feb 1855: Nicholas I died
Oct 1854-Sept 1855: the siege of Sevastopol: By Aug, Russians were suffering from 2000 to 3000 casualties daily. Russians eventually surrendered - major setback for Russia!