15.1 Energy Cycles

Cards (13)

  • Standard enthalpy change of formation(ΔHf): The enthalpy change when one mole of a compound is formed from its elements under standard conditions
  • Enthalpy change of combustion (ΔHc): enthalpy change which occurs when one mole of the compound is burned completely in oxygen under standard conditions
  • Born-Haber Cycle is used to find the lattice enthalpy
  • Lattic enthalpy: the change in enthalpy that occurs when one mole of a solid compound is seperate into it gaseous form under standard conditions
    MX(s) > M⁺(g) + X⁻(g) ∆Hlat >0
  • Enthalpy of atomization: the standard enthalpy change that occurs on the formation of one mole of seperate gaseous atoms of an element in its standard state
    M(s) > M(g) ∆Hat >0
    1/2X2 (g) > X(g) ∆Hat > 0
  • Ionization Energy: is the standard enthalpy change that occurs on the removal of 1 mol of electrons from 1 mol of atoms or positively charged ions in the gaseous state. For metal ions with multiple valence electrons there can be multiple ionization energies
    M(g) > M⁺(g) + e⁻ ∆Hie >0
  • Electron affinity: is the standard enthalpy change on the addition of 1 mol of electrons to 1 mol of atoms in the gaseous phase
    X(g) + e⁻ > X⁻ ∆Hea <0
  • Constructing the Born-Haber cycle
    The born-haber cycle combines the lattic enthalpy, enthalpy of atomization, ionization energy, and the electron affinity to find the enthalpy of formation of an ionic compound
    • The different changes in enthalpy get added together
  • Generalized Born-Haber Cycle
    A) ∆Hie
    B) ∆Hat (X)
    C) ∆Hat (M)
    D) ∆Hea (X)
    E) ∆Hlat
    F) ∆Hf
  • Variation in lattice enthalpy values
    1. An increase in the ionic charge will result in a greater attraction between opposing charge ions increase the lattice enthalpy
    2. A the distance between the bonded ions increases, the strength of the electrostatic attraction decreases, decreasing the lattice enthalpy
  • Enthalpy of solution : the change in ethalpy that ocurs when one mole of a solute (ionic compound) is dissolved to form aqueous ions in an infinitely dilute solution under standard conditions
    MX(s) > M⁺(aq) + X⁻(aq) ∆Hsol usually >0
  • Enthalpy of hydration: the change in enthalpy that occurs when 1 mole of gaseous ions is dissolved in water to form an infinitely dilute solution of one mole of aqueous ions under standard conditions
    M⁺(g) > M⁺(aq) ∆Hhyd <0
    X⁻(g) > X⁻(aq) ∆Hhyd <0
    • Solvation is used in pae of hydration for solvents other than water
  • The lattice enthalpy, enthalpy of hydration, and enthalpy of solution form a cycle